I hate always being right. I mean, it is really difficult to watch stupid people do stupid things and know I am powerless to do anything about it.
Case in point, the 2000 Presidential Election. I had always been a loyal Republican voter. I voted for Bush Sr. twice, though I never really liked him (I guess I liked him in 1988, but by the time 1992 came around I was not too sure). In 1996, I voted for Dole, even though I didn't think he was that great. However, in 2000, I could not submit to the GOP and vote for their candidate.
Why you ask?
Because I knew.
I knew he was not qualified to be president, and I was right. Now I did not vote for Gore either, but looking back, I think we may have been better off if Gore won. I think in the post 9/11 world (yes, it would have happened despite what Michael Moore and Charlie Sheen think) the liberal agenda would have been exposed and Gore would have been defeated in 2004, by someone other than W.
In the eight years since he took office, Bush has been the worst President ever. He increased the size of government during his first term, not once vetoing any pork filled bill the idiots in Congress sent him. Now as his term draws to a close, we find ourselves in the middle of a war that was unnecessary, and possibly criminal. Our economy is choking, gasoline is almost $5 per gallon, and the dollar has no value in the rest of the world. He and the rest of his goons (sorry Condi, but you hitched your wagon to the wrong star) have ruined the Republican Party. Now in 2008, the presidential choices are between an America hating, far left wing liberal nut, and an America loving, far left wing liberal nut. Sorry, but no matter what the mainstream media tell you, McCain is a liberal.
So now, our only hope is that Obama takes office and the liberal agenda get exposed for the smoke and mirrors it really is. We can hope that the Democrats are exposed as the Power hungry nut cases that want to control our lives, and after four more miserable years, a Republican candidate can come along and restore the party to the Reagan era.
However, too many things have to happen for this reality to be realized. The first is that the people need to wake up and see that the liberal agenda is a farce. There is no such thing as man made global warming. Also, no one should be allowed to vote unless they know who Neville Chamberlain is. If they do, and they still believe in Obama, they are mentally disturbed or grossly uninformed.
The next thing is that the Republican Party needs to move its platform back to conservative ideals. Dump the religious right. They are all rich hypocrites. We need to return to a constructionist policy and follow the Constitution. We need to expose the wacko environmentalists. The "War on Terror" is a bunch of nonsense, throw it out, it does not work. The war is on Islamofacisim. Call it what it is.
Finally, find candidates who can communicate to the American people and foreign leaders. Someone who can speak and think at a high level, yet do it clearly and concisely and can be simple to understand.
I don't know if we will ever find another Reagan, but we need to do better than George W. Bush. The only good news is it can't get any worse.
Can it?